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I.MYSELF.HER.SHE www.berries19@blogspot.com ♥
Friday, September 28, 2007

hmm..today went to0o mit m0ii sister at Jurong West to0 eat lunch thn go0o jurong point to0o return m0ii GV uniform..hahax.. :D while waitin f0r m0ii sister at coffeeshop, ii saw quite a number of Hua Yi students..which reminds m0ii 0f m0ii secondary school days..
iin secondary m0ii,yiyi,sheena,janet an wenhui will sometimes after sch stay back play volleyball..hahax..iif nt iis when have dance practices, we durin our break we will either go0o mama shop oppsite our sch or go0o to0 block 400plus some times block 500plus there an eat..hahax.. :D help ppl celebrate birthday iin sch..play water iin the toilet..so0o much fun w0rx..
As f0r m0ii class '09,after sch while waitin f0r self study time the guys will go0 ard and play catchiin.. =p sound childish h0rx..?bt seems they l0ve iit lehx..keke..gt sad time an happi tiime..class '09 when cuz of some 1 the whole class kena punishment or detention we don care iis whose fault bt instead we will say " 1 F0R ALL..ALL F0R 1.." the guyz iin m0ii class always protect the gals..they will say" Don't punish the gals..u wan juz punish guyz can liaox!"..so0o swt..they are always full of jokes..kekex.. :D realii realii realii miiss the daysssssssssssss.....

..::u ar3 special to0o m0ii::..
Monday, September 24, 2007

w3nt to0 this plac3
m0ii bibi

m0ii b4 meetiing bibi
hmm..l0ng l0ng n0 blog le..Sat ii went to0o bibi hus an slack in the afternoon thn went out wif him too0 Marina Square and watch: UnderDog..cool man the movie..hahax although the Dog iis abit to0puid bt we enjoy..iis a comedy show which last abt...86mins..?hmm...went to long john an buy food for our diinner an bring in to the cinema..*o0o0ppss noti noti..
After de movie, we went to shop ard..nv buy anithin..sad bt nvm can save $$$..hmm..thn again we went to0o esplanade to sit down chit chat..hmm..bt sad iis tat the nxt day i have to w0rk plus bibi stomach nt feelin veri well..we sit ard 15 mins jiu take cab hme le..hmm..
T0day ii OFFICIALLY quit m0ii job le..hmm..abit of bu ser de..bt..i find thiis job iis nt of m0ii type lehx..so0o jiu quit le.. :D currently still haven find until ani job..so0o slack and rot at hme l0rx..bt will sure go find de..cuz later n0o $$$ spend..hmm..muz find job b4 1st December 2007 cuz iis Xiao Zhu Lou Zhi Xiang de concert!!..hmmm..ii wanna go..bt iif no $$ thn cant le..sobz sobz..
..::u ar3 special to0o m0ii::..

Friday, September 21, 2007

haiz..bored at hme all alone!!! SIANZ AR!!!hmm..m0ii sister went out wif her frenz..an i am at hme all alone..hmm..ii miiss m0ii mummi de cookiin..she has been busy workiin so0o nv cook..BORING!!! hmm..tml ii am goin to watch a movie:UnderDog..i suppose iis a nice movie ba.. :D a..b0ii b0ii tml bo0k out le..finally..sunday has to work sianz..i wanna to change j0b siax..bt still haven found suitable de!!*humph >.<
..::u ar3 special t0o0 m0ii::..

sing sing sing
m0ii kbox+ITE buddy

m0ii singin
Woke up iin the moring 0945am..slack slack go prepare to mit ah von at JE..hmm..on the way meetin her..i was crossin the road an i think i nv look out for car an i juz jay walk lky tat..an worse i am smsin while i walkin..haiz..so0o "lucky" tat while i cross the road there was a car comin towards m0ii..when i realise,the car iis gettin close..
HENG iis tat when i see de car comin closer,i nv stand there lky toopuid i immediately move backwards..HENG MAN..iif nt i nw alreadi in hospital..bt the driver oso de..As iif the car no horn lky tat..donno hw to use horn huh..?donno hw to horn ppl mehx..?or u enjoyin hittin ppl..?OMG!!!
Went to sing kbox wif m0ii ite best buddy+kbox ka ki..hahax..we mit ard 1045am..we wanna to sing K lunch..cuz she have gain pts for her kbox card and claim a voucher for 2person FOC lunch an drink..so0o total we onli pay $2.40..cheap h0rx..?1st time i sing k pay so0o less $$$ worx.. :D thx von for the voucher!!
we enjoy so0o much tat we nearly got no more vioce to0o sing..so0o long nv go sing wif her le..hahax.. =p feelin iis so0o nice!!we sing quite a no. of S.H.E de song as usual..Xiao Zhu Luo Zhi Xiang and more..hahax.. :p screamin an shoutin an playin..hahax.. :D realii enjoy!!
..::u ar3 special to0o m0ii::..

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Above: Janet&Merry

Below:Evan,Sheena & Wen Hui

eat eat eat..

m0ii eatin popcorn iin the toilet

pictures pictures pictures
after the movie..iin the toilet..

Enjoyable day on 18.09.2007

hahax..on 18th WEJPSM went to watch movie at ard..0425pm..bt we are all late so0o we went into the threater at ard 0500 we watch:"THE 19TH HELL OF GATE" a..tat movie..abit..bored an some of us don understand wat the story iis talkin abt..hahax.. :D bt oki l0rx..over all i still enjoy watchin movie wif them..1 popcorn and 1 large ice lemon tea share among 5 person..hahax..so0o fun..we took pic iinside the toilet..outside the toilet..we simply love takin pictures!!!

hmm..than after show we walk walk ard PS..i bought m0ii green bra..hahax.. :p cuz got sale frm john little so0o i heart itchy itchy than go buy..hehex..after tat we went to park mall there the Glass House Fish an Co there to eat..all of us eat New York chips..hahax..wen hui reborn her hair lehx..hahax..Chio Bu!! hahax.. :p we eat an talk,talk an eat..so0o nice the feeling..hmm..bt still got ppl nv go..haiz..anyway..we disturb yiyi..we call the fish an co staff to sing happi birthday song to yiyi..an yiyi nids to stand on the chair plus wear a dolphin hat provided frm Fish an Co de..hahax..S0o0 funni l0rx..she so0o Pai Seh.. :D

thn after eatin we go outside an take pic..aiyo!! take pic again..hahax..yiyi wear the necklace tat we gave an she loves iit!! hahax we went to clark quay an walk walk..bt sad..wen hui nid to go hme,sheena nid to mit frenx..so0o onli left m0ii,merry,yiyi & janet..hmm..bt we still have fun..hahax..

Sunday, September 16, 2007

b0ii busy eating popcorn!!
see..eat again!!

hahax..so0o l0ng nv blog le..hahax.. :p lets talk abt ytd which iis saturday-15/09/2007 earli morniin ii when to dance at ngee ann..hmm..at 1st i verii lazy to go de..bt wen hui wents to go..than ii peii her l0rx.. :p ii verii good ritex..?hahax.. :D hmm..bt when we reach there,our dance instructor MC cuz she iis sick..sianx..than we juz stretch awhile than off we go l0oo..hahax.. :p hmm..than i went hme to bath than go watch movie wif m0ii b0ii..we watch "The Invasion" by Nicole Kidman..the movie iis ard 1hr plus..i will rate the movie ard 4 stars..hahax..nt bad movie..iis recommanded by m0ii..hahax.. :p

today went to work le..hahax..had been rest for ard 3wks le..i do box today abit blur blur liaox..hahax.. :p tml m0ii g0iing to bring m0ii cousin to watch Ratutouillee (iif i am nt wrong) again i am watchin the movie..hahax.. :p
..::u ar3 Special t0 m0ii::..

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

exAmination ended
hoooray!!! finally exam has ended..sooo happi!! cuz don nid to stress liaox..today i finish m0ii OA paper..de paper are nt to0 bad..able to d0..bt i think got some spell error d0n will minus marks mahx..a..heng i still got study abit..iif nt reali buang..hahax..bt for POM i sure buang..hmm...wait till the result come out bahx..m0ii last semester de GPA iis 2.3..i hope thiis semester ii will get 3.0 iif can..iif i pass m0ii b0ii goin to pei m0ii go sent0sa!! ii wanna to go for veri long liaox..juz no ppl peii m0ii go..hahax.. :p
hmm..tml got to work le..siianz.. :p
..:: u Ar3 sPecial t0 m0ii::..
Saturday, September 8, 2007

hahax..today went shoppiin wiif wen hui..i mit her at ard 1plus close 2pm at je platform..than we went to her workin place to pass her fren somethin..actualli i have a appt wif m0ii hair stylist at ard 1445hrs de..bt when we reach till there iis ard 3plus le..ii fiiniish cuttiin m0ii hair at ard 4pluz..m0ii poor wen hui got to wait for m0ii to cut fiiniish m0ii haiir..an poor her..cuz she haven eat lunch yet.. :p sayang
after tat we went to pizza hut an eat..lunch cum diinner..hahax.. :p sooo yummy..bt too bad lehx..i nv take pic..hmm..we went to far east,ck tang,heeren..hahax..
i bought t-shirt for m0ii b0ii..bt sadly ii nv buy anithin for myself..hahax.. :p we went to take neo priint..hahax

Friday, September 7, 2007

SAD :'(

ytd was a verii sad day for m0ii..ytd m0rniin was ok ii when to yiishun to miit m0ii b0ii than we when to have our breakfast cum lunch..iis hiis favouriitex mee pok!!hahax..than we went back to JE to collect computer..went back to yiishun..ii start studyiin m0ii POM he play game..everythiing was doiing fiine lky normal..

iin the niitex,he quarrel wiif hiis parents an when ii talk to hiim,he shouted at m0ii..ii was verii fed up..so0o i nv talk to hiim..than after he cool down,he throw hiis pillow at m0ii..thiink he iis telliin m0ii tat he cool down le..bt i execpt iis a sorrii frm hiim..bt sadly he nv say..so0o ii continue ignorriin hiim..than when ii have cool down i throw the piillow at hiim..than he iis lky startin giivin m0ii attitude again..OMG!!

hiis attitude to m0ii iis bad..which makes m0ii heart broken an ii start cryiin..bt he stiill don care m0ii..haix..fiinally ii realii get verii hot,ii tell hiim say ii wanna to go hme..an i juz pack m0ii bag an go..he stop m0ii frm hiis room door..i ask hiim..why..?there agaiin we started quarreliin again..an iis quarrel tiill quite loud untiil hiis parents an bro come out of there room..i tell hiim say i wanna to go hme..s0oo he get angrii an open the gate for m0ii..

sooo ii juz ran out lky tat..he lives iin the 9th floor..an ii run to the 6th floor to sit lift..ii heard runniin foot steps..iits hiim..he come out an chase m0ii..he huged m0ii so0o hard..am ii sooo easiily to forgiive a person..?i donno lehx seriously..ii b4 leaviin hiis hus,ii got thiink of returniin the riing he gave m0ii..guess u all no wat tat means riitex..?ii oso thiink of nt goiin hme bt to go walk ard..places lky esplanade..

today we are fiine nw..hahax..funnii riitex..?why ii nv return hiim the riing..?ans: CUZ II LOV3 HIIM LOTS..AN DON WANNA TO LOSE HIIM

..::u ar3 sPeacial t0 m0ii::..

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


0!!m0ii gastric pain!! go toilet for 4 tiimes le..ytd 0s0 lky tat..hmm..iif tml stiill lky tat ii thiink ii wanna to go see doctor liiaox..cant stand iit le..hmm.. ='(

today got study for pom..able to memoriise abiit of the iimpt pts..even bath os0 keep thiinkiin abt pom..haiz..when wiill m0ii exam end..?i hate exam man..hmm.. :'(

m0ii b0ii today thiink got abiit tiired le..cuz whole day doiin duty..bt heng iis tat tml he book 0ut can relax cum rest le..bt siianx iis friiday morniing niid to go back to camp for NE triip..hmm..bt iis okii.. :p mayb tml go watch moviie..mayb watch haiirspray..hahax.. :p muz relax.. :p

okii le..lazy to blog le..(ii no m0ii blog s0ng got abiit 0r bit cha cha bt when u hear tiill the chours, de song iis rather beautiiful)

..::u aR3 Special t0 m0ii::..
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Saturday, September 1, 2007

haha.. so happy today..

Great Day!!!
Hahax..today i have a very good day worx..Cuzzzzz...iis m0ii birthday!! 1st let m0ii talk abt where ii go bahx..actuallii moii wiish iis to go to Sentosa de..bt...m0ii b0ii don wanna to go..end up we went to Kbox an sing song frm 2plus to 6pm..We went to cineleisure an take neoprint..(hahax..sorrii cuzz abiit lazy to scan those pic soooo nv put..hahax.. :p) after kbox we went to PS to eat fish an co..yummy..I ate new york fish an chip an b0ii ate seafood platter..hahax..after that we went to catch a movie: Ratatoullie (iif ii am nt wrong wiif e spelliin)... :p
We watch 2135hrs the show an iit ended at ard 2340hrs :p than siit cabiie hme :p bt who knows when ii reach hme,II HAVE A BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!althought iit come abiit tooo late,bt i stiill love iit verii much.. :p bibi no tat i don realii lky to eat cake sooo he iis verii niice an bought moii a ICE-CREAM cake frm Swensen..hahax.. :p sooo swt of him..Juz love hiim sooo much..MUACKZ for U bibi.. :p
Bibi bought mii presents lky ring,kappa handbag,cake,rose and key chaiin..sooo niice!!! bt he muz be verii ke liian cuz think he buy tiill broke le..sayang.. :p today frenz oso send moii birthday wish..ii wanna to thanks them for rememberiin moii Birthday.Cheers every0ne!!!
...::U ar3 SpecaiL t0 M0ii::...