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I.MYSELF.HER.SHE www.berries19@blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

kekex..so0 l0ng n0 bl0g le..think m0ii bl0g oso wanna t0 get rusty liaox..kekex.. =p juz came back fr0m w0rk..yawn so0o tired!!! have been w0rkin since...18th Dec till 24th dec thn g0t 1 day off on christmas day thn t0day c0ntinue w0rk again..sianx..but nvm..w0rk m0re earn m0re..w0rkin at vivo wif Madelyn,Kris Chew and Bens0n..kekex..quite fun ar..but Kris and Bens0n always bully...bad bad..kekex..but oki lahx..n0 thEy play play onli..hahax.. =p lky tat time pass faster..Wau at vivo reali g0t nthin t0 eat l0rx..wanna t0 eat muz g0 basement and eat..s0me times to0 mani ppl veri crowded cant walk..thn have t0 eat fast fo0d lky...burger king,Carl's Juni0r or L0ng J0hn..ii think i am gettin fatter le..kekex.. =p I D0N WANT!!! d0tz...w0nder wat ppl d0 0n Christmas lehx..??besides th0se Christian nid t0 g0 Church...sad..this year i n0 present..hehex..=p that day went t0 watch Alvin and the ChipMunks..c0oL..veri nice al0t of ppl like the sh0rt sh0rt fat fat de..but ii lky the Alvin..this m0vie iis nice..ii rate 5 stars..highly rec0mmended by m0ii..nxt ii still g0t al0t of m0vie wanna t0 watch but..see h0w bahx..kekex =p
Sch0oL starting s0on le..pr0ject date line iis g0in t0 be up le..sianx..n0w still nv d0 anithin.. =p bad siax..hmm..this few days ii have the feeling that m0ii an bibi iis g0in back t0 th0se days that we juz t0gether..so0o sweet!! kekex..this days we keep talkin abt 0ur future..Our future hus, future children,future furniture all th0se things..kekex.. =p nice nice feeling..??he promise that after he ORD, he will faster g0 find j0b thn settle d0wn le thn will give m0ii a go0d life..kekex..sweet!! ii believe he will give m0ii a go0d life de.. =p nxt year June we g0in t0 celebrate 0ur 3rd year Anniversary le..fast siax..eyes blink blink onli 3 years le..fast..!! tml bibi g0in t0 fetch m0ii after w0rk..go0d go0d!! waiting..i oso after graduate nid t0 find j0b le.. =p thn can plan f0r the future le..0thers might think abit earli..but ii think iis ok bahx..cuz we l0ve each 0ther..kekex..abit mushy here..kekex.. =p ...oki le..nxt day thn i bl0g le..wanna t0 g0 watch sh0w le..buai buai..nitex.. =p
Monday, December 17, 2007

S0me rand0m picsguess wh0se leg..?
ANS: frm left (Na,M0ii and Mali)
after eating..kekex..b0 lia0x

0ur p0or yiyi

juz came h0me after w0rk..kekex.. =p ab0ve are s0me pics during chalet time..hehex..g0t s0me m0re de but iis at ah yi there an Mali there so0o have t0 wait..kekex..hmm..during the chalet was fun and enj0yable..kekex..cuz nan de we gather t0gether..hmm..but sad ah hui an miao nv g0..ah yi have t0 g0 back 0n sat evening..hmm..there iis veri unpleasent thingys happening..cuz ah yi finger kena the game at Escape name Flipper cut until..cuz ah yi misplace her finger..thn tat STaFF nv see till her finger an juz pull d0wn the hand bar hardly..there she g0es...start bleeding le..that STaff s0me m0re ask her t0 finish the game than g0 t0 the Frist Aid there..OMG!!! she iis bleedin lky d0n wat lky tat l0rx..an that to0opuid fell0w make us h0t siax..lucky tat time Wen hui iis with her..and wen hui tell thaT STaff "HELLO!! HER HAND IS BLEEDIN LE! U STILL WANNA HER T0 FINISH THE RIDE THAN G0 T0 THE FRIST AID?!"
h0w can her lky tat say lehx..Damn angri l0rx..thn went t0 the nearest clinic t0 see d0ct0r..but the d0ct0r say better g0 h0spital f0r x-ray..in case she g0t any finger b0ne br0ke 0r cut till her nerves..Ah yi damn p0wer the lehx..nv cry w0rx..best siax..f0r m0ii ii sure cry until lky wat siax..!!onli when janet start crying thn ah yi cry..janet cuz she see ah yi lky tat she heart pain..hmm..actuali ii oso heart pain..hmm..but till g0 t0 h0spital tat time she g0 int0 the Operation Threater aka OT...thn i start crying..cuz when she iis g0 in al0ne ii start t0 w0rry..kekex.. =p 30 mins ltr she c0me 0ut le..finally..she kena 7 stitches 0n her finger..p0or ah yi..hmm...all the medical expenses plus cabBie fare thEy muz pay siax..she say when theY stitch that time iis damn painful..but she nv cry w0rx..damn tok0ng siiax..m0ii IdoL..kekex.. =p
kekex..m0ii g0t until Sh0w's the signature le..thx Jelind and Irene f0r helpin m0ii all the time!! l0ve them l0ts!! kekex..nxt ii wanna t0 buy 5566 the album..finally they c0me 0ut album le..waited so0o l0ng..buyin s0on...Wau t0day ii saw a watch at m0ii sh0p..Baby G the..$147 w0rx..still thinkin whether t0 buy mahx..hmm...quite ex lehx..ii thinkin..oso d0nn0 g0t staff purchase mahx..kekex.. =p ha0 le..abiit tired le..tml still g0t t0 miit mei yi and v0n t0 d0 project..bibi t0day b0ok in..so0o p0or thing..cant slp properly in camp..scare g0t turn 0ut..sayang w0rx..muackz..l0ve ya l0ts!! wanna t0 slp le..WaN aN Le!!! buai buai!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

finally ii see until sun t0day..cuz this few days having been rainin quite al0t..hmm..so0o c0ld t0 survive..hahax.. =p ok ii think ii think to0o much le..kekex..lame..but ii h0pe durin chalet th0se 3 days 2 nites w0nt rain..iif n0t we cant d0 anithin in the chalet besides eat,slp,poo,talkin,bath,hear s0ngs,watching m0vies and pill0w fight..(that iis wat n0rmally a chalet with all gals ONLY will happen..PILl0w Fight!!)ii 1st iis t0 aim SheeNa and JanEt..cuz they veri nice t0 bully de..hahax..*O0opps...ltr iis i am the 1 t0 kena 1st..kekex..=p bibi bo0k iin t0day..m0ii..??at hme..why nv g0 sch...??er...there iis few reasons..
  1. eyes swll0en
  2. wanna self declare h0liday
  3. LAZY!!!kekex..
  4. weather so0 nice..best time t0 slp..

kekex..lame ritex..??hmm..tml iis Sh0w the qian ming hui le..YEAH!!! but to0o bad cant g0..kekex..aiy0..chalet gatherin is lky gettin m0re an m0re less ppl g0in le..y lky tat..??sianx diao l0rx..fr0m 8 ppl bec0me 7 thn nw the 5 ppl onli..Wau Lau..b0ring..but think will be fun de..kekex.. =p cuz m0re space f0r us t0 slp..especially m0ii..hahax..fat thn g0t m0re space t0 slp..hehex.. =) sad lehx..left s0o few 0f us..yiyi and mia0 cant g0 cuz 0f s0mething..thn ah hui say mayb g0in t0 malaysia so0o cant g0 oso..but yiyi an miao alreadi pay $$$ le w0rx..ii d0nn0 wat t0 d0 lehx..ii think n0 refund bahx..kekex.. =p s0rri..ltr ii have t0 g0 wash the drinks c0ntainer which bel0ngs t0 ah v0n de..thx w0rx f0r lending m0ii..kekex..thn g0 wash m0ii cup..red cup tml nid t0 bring t0 chalet de..hmm...oki le..wanna g0 slp le..buai buai...

Monday, December 10, 2007

c0ld weather siiax..keep 0n raining this few days...hahax..Xiao Zhu iis c0ming 0n 14th dec at Bishan 7pm..YEAH!!! but sad ii cant g0 w0rx..haiz..nthin t0 d0 at hme lehx..waiting f0r m0ii daddy t0 c0me hme thn g0 f0r dinner..hmm..actuali h0rx..ii think i have internet iis t0 play f.ster,bl0g,MSN and Youtube onli..a...iif n0t ii think internet iis abit b0ring lehx..f0r m0ii onli lahx..that iis wat ii think l0rx..kekex..but good is that can see g0t wat new s0ngs thn..u n0 de.n0ti n0ti...hahax..*bleah* =p hmm..bibi n0w iin camp lehx..p0or him..but he tml b0ok 0ut le..kekex.. =p but sianz tml still nid t0 g0 back t0 BROTHER the office..cuz ii nid t0 pass up m0ii attendance sheet an warranty card in 0rder t0 get m0ii $$$..kekex..this time d0nn0 g0t to wait f0r how long le..hahax..thn g0 eat dinner with bibi..wed we g0in t0 watch Enchanted..finally i get t0 watch w0rx..cuz g0t Black c0mp pass..so0o 1 ticket free..the 0ther ticket can use student price..
Sat ii finally start w0rk le..hahax..hmm..they suddenly ask m0ii t0 g0 bugis..cuz n0t enough ppl w0rking..so0o n0 choice..dam al0t of ppl l0rx..busy with stocks and customer..but lky oso go0d..cuz time pass faster..than Sunday ii w0rk at Vivo city..kekex.. =p vivo..haiz hao..n0t so0o busy..kekex.. =p but the fo0d there...abit ex lehx..hmm..think ii every wk g0in t0 eat l0ng j0hn le..nxt time u guys see till m0ii sure say ii fat de..kekex.. =p fatty!! hahax..lame..hmm...dam sianx de l0rx...this wk end n0t w0rkin..cuz having Chalet..so0o..g0 relax..with m0ii dear dear dear plus m0st important t0 m0ii the GirlFriends!!muackz..l0ve them l0ts!! hmm..but ii cant miit till bibi f0r 4 days w0rx..cuz iis a gals chalet..n0 guys all0w..sad..kekex..purely gals chalet..hahax..nvm..
wau thn durin chalet that day ii have t0 bring..m0ii p0rtable dvd player,drink container,my cups..myself..a...cl0thes..kekex..=p oki le..ii am hungri le..wanna t0 g0 mum mum le..buai buai!!
Thursday, December 6, 2007

Finally b0ught m0ii Luo Zhi Xiang album le..kekex.. =p dam happi lehx..nxt friday he iis c0min t0 Singap0re f0r qian ming hui..hahax..his s0ngs all veri niice t0 hear lehx!!muz buy!!niice niice!!!waiitin..but sad iis ii cant g0 lehx..cuz ii have chalet..OMG!! hahax..nvm.. =p hmm..Tml have AOFA the CA..wau dam sian l0rx..H0pe that iis easy..
bibi iin camp n0w..p0or hiim..ii feel veri bad t0day lehx..cuz m0ii mummy nid m0ney g0 w0rk t0day..thn ii have m0ney but ii nv give her..cuz ii wanna t0 save f0r the chalet..cuz ii scare n0 $$$ g0 an play veri sianx de..hmm..ii did n0t even bring $$$ g0 sch l0rx..have t0 see frenz eat..sad ritex..??mayb m0ii parents will think i am kinda selfish bahx...but iif ii d0n d0 that who iis g0iin t0 give m0ii $$$ f0r chalet..??ii believe n0t m0ii parents will give l0rx..haiz...
M0ii LIFE SUCKS!!! this sat ii am g0ing back t0 Casio le..hahax.. =p think ii will stay at Casio quite l0ng bahx..cuz ii still find Casio veri go0d..kekex.. =p ytd ii tell SheEna that ii n0t g0iin t0 taipei with her and her parents le..sad :'( cuz ii scare ii cant on time save enough $$$ hmm..pluz ii d0n wanna t0 0we ppl $$$..so0o..mayb by tat time i am able t0 save en0ugh $$$ t0 g0 Bangkok..??hahax..lazy t0 bl0g le...buai buai
Sunday, December 2, 2007

yea!! ytd went t0 sh0w's c0ncert with bibi,sheena,wen hui and her sister..hahax..mit them at kallang mrt station at ard 0715..kekex.. =p Wau dam excited l0rx..!!! hahax.. =p when reach Stadium,wen hui and her sister buy $128 de ticket while m0ii,bibi and Sheena buy $98 de ticket..so0o we walk different ways..cuz their iis East Enterance and 0urs iis N0rth entrance..hahax..wau..dam al0t of ppl l0rx..hmm..seem lky m0ii area there the ppl lky m0re active lehx..hahax..cuz we directly oppsiite wen hui an her sis..but her there the area lky veri c0ld lehx..hahax..
Dam excited l0rx..hahax.. =p the Special Guest iis Rainie Yang!!wau..she dam skinny l0rx..veri pretty oso..kekex..she sang que yang and ni shi huai ren..nice nice...Sh0w speak english..wau funni siax..hahax..hmm..h0w ii wish there iis m0re 0f hiis c0ncert c0ming up!!hmm..ii reali think iis w0rth iit l0rx..!!hahax..the c0ncert starts ard 8plus..thn until 10plus onli..hmm..n0t en0ugh!!hahax..after that sheena b0i b0i came t0 fetch us..thn we went t0 Lao Ba Sha and mum mum..f0od fo0d!! kekex..=p thn jiu hme swt hme le..hahax..thiis iis m0ii 1st time g0 watch c0ncert with bibi..reali happi w0rx..h0pe he will enj0y oso..hahax.. =p sianx tml still nid to g0 sch!! OMG!!