Tuesday, January 29, 2008

that day friday went t0 bugis with bibi ard 4plus..??sh0p sh0p ard..g0t take ne0 prints..but i veri lazy t0 scan..so0o nv p0st up..PSPS.. =p bibi bought a jeans..thn i bought a t-shirt f0r him..and bibi also bought a wallet f0r me..hahax..b0ught quite al0t 0f things that day..actuali wanna t0 d0 manicure de..but my nails suddenly break..so0o have t0 wait it to be l0ng le..perhaps this friday..??h0pefully..Yaye!! NEW YeAr is c0ming le..ang bao ang bao.. hahax..oki le..kinda lazy le..buai buai..
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
FeELinGsA mixture feelings of sad and happy...60% of sadness and 40% 0f happy..sad is because my dear sister still cant be discharge..means have t0 stay in h0spital due t0 her w0und infecti0n which makes her fever up and d0wn..everyday she fever, the doct0r will take her bl0od...she has n0 place t0 p0ke le..her hands has blue black they even cant find any vain 0n her hands le..OMG!!! ii really need t0 pray hard f0r her le..medical fee is s0 damn high..OMG!!she g0t n0 bl0od le!! d0ct0r..pls d0n take her bl0od anym0re..my heart hurts...p0or her..
Happy is that she n0w cant walk,g0 t0ilet,shit and bath le..hmm..which is a go0d sign..stiLl can whack me le..althought she g0t n0t much strength,but hit ppL stilL so0o painfuL..hmm..she laugh al0t t0day als0 w0rx..g0od..
tmL 'O' lvls result c0me 0ut le..my sister cant g0 take..s0o0 me and my mummy will g0 an c0llect f0r her..hmm..h0pefulLy is the result that she wants..which is get int0 PoLy..my sister wants t0 g0 h0me..but at least stilL must stay an0ther 2-3 m0re days..in see..p0or her..wanna t0 g0 h0me..see le,listen le als0 heart pain..my daliy routine n0w is m0rning wakes up, g0 sch0oL, h0spital than back h0me at 11pm..h0w i wish she can discharge ASAP..n0 ppL wish t0 stay in there..but g0t n0 ch0ice..hmm..wat t0 d0..??
friday meeting bibi g0 sh0pping..my mummy give me 1 day off t0 g0 sh0p f0r New Year cl0thing f0r bibi..which means i have t0 stay at h0me t0 l0ok after my sister 0nce she is discharge..cant g0 0ut le..sianx..hiaz..oki le..kinda tired le..TRICIA!!! JIA Y0U!! I EVERYDAY WILL G0 SUPP0RT U DE..BEEN THROUGH SO0O MUCH LE..JIA YOU!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
my sister n0w in the 0perati0n threater le..w0nder h0w is she lia0..so0o w0rry..scare later i see till her i will cry..i heart pain..me only can stay at h0me waiting f0r the time t0 c0me and g0 visit her...i am so0o w0rry..so0o d0 my mummy..haiz...this m0rning when she wakes up she g0t sms me..saying that she g0in t0 bath all this stuff..but....haiz..wh0 will n0 h0w i feel..??haiz..
Thursday, January 17, 2008

mei mei eating untiL cRazy

AOFA Test tmL..but i took aL fr0m my CA le..cuz my sister is having operation tml in the m0rning..8am..i am veri w0rri f0r her...d0nn0 h0w is she..i scare will affect my m0od..so0o i rather re take...heng my CA is a reasonable pers0n..cuz she t0day admitted t0 hospitaL in the aftern0on..and nw she is al0ne there..as we are n0t all0wed t0 stay 0vernitex there..i cry.. ='(.. as she is my 1 an onli 1 sister..0ur bl0od fl0w the same..I n0 she is afraid de..but s0me h0w she stilL sh0w that kind 0f lky nthin the l0ok..make ppl even m0re w0rri..Tml i will be in the h0spitaL the wh0le day..so0o PPL wh0 wants t0 l0ok f0r me, pls c0ntact my HP..Thx..I AM SoOOO WORRY f0r her.."MEI!! U MUZ JIA YOU! D0N BE SCARE..I WILL SUPP0RT U DE!! ANYTHING I AM 0UTSIDE THE THREATER..PEI Y0U DE..D0N W0RRY!!"
M0rning meet my e-ma t0gther with my sister,mummy,my boi and me g0 eat dim sum at Drag0n Gate..iis Buffet..eat until we all st0mach nearly burst siax..we ate aL0t..as my sister feeling lky eating dim sum so0o my e-ma treat her b4 she g0 f0r OP an cannont eat anything..kekex.. =p very nice..u alL sh0uld g0 try..each ppL $13.80++ niax..n0t to0 bad!!than after meal went t0 viv0 city t0 sh0p ard..me and my sister b0ught the same mushr0om bedr0om slipper..i get a red one as is my favourite colour..thn mei mei get a blue want..also is her favourite colour..kekex.. =p is damn cute l0rx..my pay is stiLL n0t in yet w0rx..0we al0t 0f ppL $$$...hahahax.. =p ytd went sh0ppin with my sister as she wants t0 buy things f0r new yr cuz after op she cannot walk ard..so0o kind of last minute sh0ppin..hehex..she b0ught a dress,sh0es,bag,MP3 f0r her b0i b0i and a bedr0om slipper f0r my mummy...WAU reali so0o clever t0 sh0p..me lehx..?onli buy creative de MP4 f0r bibi.. =p he like it so0o much w0rx..
Last SUN after w0rk went watch m0vie with bibi at viv0 ard 0935pm the sh0w..we watch *Le Grand Chef* (K0rean Sh0w)..wau..nice m0vie siax!! i l0ve iit!! alL abt fo0d i get attracted cuz 0f the fo0d..the sh0w have a understandable st0ry line..so0o highly rec0mmended by me..hehex..sh0w u guys s0me pics..
Monday, January 14, 2008

y0z y0z..bl0g again!! kekex.. =p Saturday went t0 l0ng beach and eat dinner..celebrate m0ii mummy birthday..hahax..we ate al0ng g0t crab,toufu,fish,prawn,vegetable,desert and m0re..yummy yummy!! nice nice..l0ng l0ng eat 1 time..kekex.. =p t0tal 9 pers0n..7 dishes $269 onli w0rx..w0rth it siax..!! but 0nli when special event thn can eat until de..hahax...but to0 bad i nv take any pics f0r the fo0d!! hehex..
Wednesday presentati0n f0r PR le..sianx..but heng finishin s0me Le..so0o can say as "Prepared" le..but oso abit scare..hahax..Special event project stilL haven started yet w0rx..d0nn0 h0w oso lehx.. >.<" bibi t0day went back t0 camp le..we have started plannin f0r Valentine day wat t0 d0 and wat t0 eat..so0o fast iis 2008 le..m0ii pay stiLl haven c0me lehx..iif c0me le ii can g0 buy bibi the present le..w0nder wat will his reacti0n be..kekex.. =p 0ki le..d0nn0 wat t0 bl0g lia0x..
Thursday, January 10, 2008

here i am bl0ggin again..so0o b0red sianx..nthin t0 d0..bibi slpin n0w..m0ii sister chattin 0n the ph0ne with her b0ib0i..so0o sad..i am left al0ne..tried t0 find s0methin t0 d0..but NIAX!! nthin..kekex.. sh0w u guys s0me chalet pics that we t0ok k..??kekex..s0me rand0m pics..0ur chalet is fr0m 14th dec-16th dec..quite late t0 sh0w u guys..hehex..think all this pic iis the last pic we had taken in the Year 2007 bahx..currently 2008..a...stilL haven yet w0rx..seLd0m ppL can with their Sec0ndary scH0oL mAtes t0gether f0r so0o l0ng..so0o called m0ii "gang" the WEHJPSM last f0r 8yrs le..Wau!! 2 m0re yrs t0 10 yrs lia0x..time pass reali reali fast l0rx..we are turnin 20 this yr le..miss the days..h0pefulLy we can plan t0 g0 0verseas thiis yr instead 0f ChaLet iN sinGap0rE..kekex.. =p ok le..kinda lazy t0 upl0ad pics le..niitez NiIt3s..
bl0g time!!! kekex.. =p hmm..l0ng time nv upl0ad pics le..due t0 i change HP with m0ii sister so0o nthin t0 upl0ad..iis 7pm le..so0o sianx..bibi t0day g0 back camp..hehex..YEAH!! m0ii an bibi tot 0f buyin dressin table f0r his ro0m..reas0n being is that I NEED A MIRROR!! his r0om g0t n0 mirror..an s0me times ii wanna t0 d0 things iis abit diffcult..kekex.. =p so0o if buy le i can put m0ii make up rem0ver,l0tion,c0mb an m0re...hahax.. =p lky as if i wanna to0 married in le.. >.<"
the Microsoft ExceL iis making m0ii carzy le!! cuz that is fromular to0 rmb..an m0ii memory n0t tat go0d siax..still g0t abit d0n understand h0w t0 apply the fr0mular..sianx lia0x.. >.<" next m0nday iis m0ii mummy birthday le..hmm..celebrating earli..0n sat we intend t0 g0 L0ng Beach and eat..yummy yummy..hmm..ii have in mind wat t0 buy le..but muz wait f0r pay day..sianx.. =p after Chinese New Year thn c0me the Valentine's Day..kn0w wat t0 buy f0r bibi le..but...d0nn0 can mahx
..[PSPS cant say wat i buy..cuz he may read m0ii bl0g entires]...tml have to0 paint m0ii hus again..this time iis m0ii br0ther's r0om.. >.<" n0 ch0ice sis nid t0 g0 f0r OP thn g0t t0 change bed f0r her t0 slp..thn m0ii br0ther g0t n0 place t0o slp..hmm..oki le..ii d0nn0 wat t0 bl0g lia0..buai! bye!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
hey hey!!! l0ng l0ng n0 bl0g le w0rx..busy w0rkin..kekex.. =p tat day juz went t0 JP an watch Alien vs Predat0r (AVP2) iif i am n0t wr0ng abt the spellin..kekex..hmm..still 0ki l0rx..but abit to0o dark le..so0 ii n0t much lky the m0vie..hmm..this few days keep paintin m0ii hus..so0o dam tired de..but iis w0rth iit lahx..all cuz m0ii to00puid sister wh0 suggested t0 paint the hus..as the hus alreadi 10 yrs nv paint le..Juz nice new yr..can d0 earli spring cleanin..kekex.. =p
0n the 3rd ii went 0ut..b0ught a Bag,T-shirt,sh0es..and buy cl0thes f0r m0ii mummy..kekex..so0o l0ng nv have this kind 0f feeling le..SHOPPIN!! kekex..=p hmm..wait till m0ii pay i have t0 pay bills and buy s0me m0re cl0thes..kekex..tml Sch0oL re-0pen le..sianx..t0 m0ii (sch re-open=m0re pr0jects plus exam iis c0ming)...OMG!!! make until i veri scare 0f sch liaox..kekex.. =p Final yr le..after march, I finally end m0ii Higher Nitec studies le..hmm..old liaox..kekex.. =p 18th jan iis c0min s0on le..m0ii sister 0peration..ii might n0t understand her feelings..but ii n0 she is kinda scare to0o...hmm..ii can onli give her m0ral supp0rt niax..sad lehx..0peration got go0d an bad..g0od iis u d0n nid t0 g0 sch..can rest f0r a mth..but bad iis that after the OP, iis painful..the pain will start c0me..hmm..scary..TRICIA!! II WILL SUPPORT U DE!! JIA YOU!!