Friday, February 29, 2008
hahax..juz finish doing manicure and express pendicure with wen hui onli..hmm..i just do during new year..ytd just rem0ve and then nw i am d0ing again..kekex.. =p so0o ai mei..wen hui is d0ing cuz her sister is getting married this Sun..Gong Xi for me..i just pei her do l0rx..hahax.. =p haiz sad..bibi t0day suppose to b0ok out de..but end up have to stay in camp..all be cuz of that STUPID MAN!! haiz..even we plan to go malaysia KL oso mayb have to cancel bibi say high percentage his sir will disapprove his overseas leave the..so0o sister is kinda to0..but who will wan this thing t0 happen lehx..??hmm..perhap 3 person g0 naix..althought it might be abit of dangerous..but..we d0n wanna to waste $$$..wanna to ask ppl to replace bibi de..but scare ltr last minute he can g0 than h0w..?? damn sianx de.. bibi is very fan n0w..tml he can only b0ok out f0r 1 day nia..thn have to be in camp poor bibi..muackz..sad..n0 mood to blog le..take care..!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008 i am nto blog..hahax..just finish doing my project for reports..hmm...Thx for the help from my dear sister..cuz her english is good..so0o i ask her for help..if n0t ltr my grp members again say that my english is lky direct translet from right i write or type i wasn't thinking abt chinese l0rx..aiya!! some ppl can write but cant speak and some can speak but cant write..so0o i am those kind which is cant write well but can speak..n0t reali well but accpetable lahx..hmm..over these few days busy doing presentation for PR-Special Event..hmm..g0t some unhappiness btw our grp members..but aiya nvm..anyway is last project le..4get it..don cuz of this spoil m0od..ritex..??but end le..so0o hahax..but i kena minus 1 mark..reason being is that during presentation i speak to0 fast just lky a bullet train..kekex..i wanna to re do de..but my team mates don wan..1 mark not that i am calculative is that the 1 mark can make alot of differents l0rx.. =p haiz..whatever..cant help..
t0day when to Singapore Zoo..kekex..went with bibi walk together see alot of animals...nice nice..reali enj0y myself worx..hop bibi oso g0t enjoy..hmm..thn ytd we went to sentosa to play..we went to sit sky ride, cable car and we oso go to Images of Singapore..kekex..actuali wanna to go underwater world de..but is $19.90 n0t that is expensive lahx..but cuz iis the price include admin ticket plus dolphine lagoon..since the dolphine lagoon is closed so0o we found it n0t very worth of $$$ jiu nv go le..sad ritex..?but other days still can go de..n0 prob!! we to0k alot of pic..but due to my lazyness, so0o nv upload..wait i free than i upl0ad bahx..kekex.. =p BIBI I H0PE U HAD ENJOY THESE 2 DAYS BEEN WITH ME!! MUACKZ I L0VE Y0U!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
hiaz so0o sianx..ytd went t0 apply f0r my poly course..n0 cut off points..so0 juz g0 try my luck..but i donno what i want lehx..say i d0n feel lky touching b0oks le..but cert...have the cert but when i c0me out t0 w0rk might n0t be applicable..so00 i donno..what i think is i apply thn wait till the result date,think i decide..might be giving up my seats..hmm.. =p so0o fan!! i d0nn0 lahx..FAN AR!!!
Friday, February 15, 2008

wen t0 l0t 1 t0 buy 0ur ring 1st..t0tal c0st $108..ex siax..but bibi like the desgin..so0 we buy le..thn went t0 Marina Square t0 watch m0vie..the cinema damn al0t of ppl w0rx..cr0wded...hmm..we watch CJ7 1st..thn went t0 eat dinner at *Co---e..(cant reali say..sorri)...hmm..their fo0d is n0t bad..i mean f0r their Pasta..but 0n tat day itself the waitress say can onli eat menu which cost $138++ per couple..so0o we 0rder l0rx..n0 ch0ice..i d0n eat salm0n..so0o wasted..thn we change the grilled beef t0 grilled chicken as we cant eat beef..hmm..so0o everything is fine after the soup..we wait quite l0ng f0r our main c0urse..cuz we are rushing f0r our next m0vie..if i am n0t rushing i d0n mind waiting l0rx..so0 finally the main course pic shown above.. =p l0ok veri nice but insdie is NOT COOK!! so0o i take g0 change..while waitin..bibi the chicken also n0t c0ok..OMG!! t0tal i change 3 times le..i veri n0t happy l0rx..disappointed... ='( but heng the mgr give us a 50% disc0unt plus wave 0ur drinks which cost..$20plus bahx..kekex..t0tal actuali i nid t0 pay $200 plus de..but end up i onli pay $75.90..hahax..oki l0rx..
bibi bought me a W910i,Fl0wers..hahax..muackz..THANK YOU BIBI!! I L0VE YOU!!..thn as for me..i bought bibi a Zen MP4..so0o sweet!! oki le..cant bl0g liaox..nid t0 g0 d0 pr0ject liaox..bye bye!!