my sister happy f0r n0thing.jpg)
my new hair style
donno h0w come i cant upl0ad any pictures lehx..hmm..t0day i nv!! anyway went to eat Pastamania with my sister in the aftern0on at westmall..than went d0wn to bugis and sh0p sh0p..t0ok neoprints..hahax.. =p as usual de..hmm..thn my sister b0ught a bag..than i bought a FaKe eye lash which c0st $4.50 l0ok quite nature..hmm..than i still bought a watch which c0st $12..n0t to0 bad..but abit to0 big le..hahax.. =p sh0p the wh0le day..so0o tired!! hahax.. =p n0w finally at h0me can rest..tml still have to w0rk lehx..aftern0on shift again!! sianx..
tired tired tired..all i can say now is tired..juz after w0rk only niax..maybe i still haven get use t0 it when w0rking.. =p s0o l0ng n0 w0rk le..hahax..nxt m0nth think i can w0rk m0re than earn m0re $$$ le..still considering wanna t0 w0rk full time mahx..cuz..i still wanna t0 play..i have been use t0 w0rk only wk ends and study on wk days lia0x..so00..anyway..if nv study than have t0 w0rk le.. =p b0ught a mascara fr0m SASA..OMG!!! again!!!..hmm..cuz i aim f0r that mascara f0r quite a l0ng time le..wanted it f0r l0ng..so0o g0 buy le.. =p
kinda lazy t0 bl0g le..buai!!
t0day went t0 Simei Ite with my sister and register f0r her Ite thingy.. =p hmm..kinda big scho0l..fr0m 1 end t0 the 0ther i think need quite s0me my sister the condition is n0t very go0d..so0o..hmm..actually what i feel that is the scho0l did n0t really have al0t of sign b0ards to indicate fr0m the admin office t0 take pics f0r ez link card..so0o is like me and my sister walking blindly..hmm..after g0ing to the admin office we have t0 go t0 2nd level t0 take pics f0r ez link card thn back d0wn to level 1 to buy unif0rms..What The!! up and d0wn..OMG!! well the sell unif0rm that UNCLE dam cann0t put the shirt nicely on the table and give it to us instead he thr0w..F**K!!
what i can do is to sh0w my black black face..hahax.. =p after everything we went t0 their food court and mum mum!! sister ate chicken ate jap fo0d..NICE NICE NICE!!! than my sis t0ld me that she d0n't mind travellin so0o far t0 sch0ol everyday cuz she can eat go0d fo0d..so0o cuz of fo0d, she don't mind!! GREEDY!!! LIKE 10 YEARS NV EAT BEFORE FO0D..hahax.. =p well that is her!! kekex.. =p but still!! i h0pe my sister can get int0 Republic Poly (RP) cuz SIMEI IS TO FAR!!! scare that she cant take it as in the travel here and there..sad..
i have created a bl0g f0r my ganG..OMG!! i have always wanna to make..but just n0 feel..ytd all of a sudden i g0t feel..so0o i went t0 do..hmm..kinda proud f0r myself..but i wanna t0 learn to make a bl0g skin by myself..but i don't know i can start fr0m where lehx..maybe i should find some1 and teach me..kekex.. =p tml bibi bo0k out le can g0 find him..wanna to go to his hus de..but i feel that g0 to his hus than his 2nd sister is at h0me and slps at his r0om which makes me feel quite weird de lahx..but don wanna him to be hamburger..REN Bahx JIA Y0U!!...and friday i Finally have t0 start w0rk liaox..but stupid is all aftern00n shift..O man..lolx.. =p ok le..don blog
t0day went t0 highlight my hair at centre p0int with wen hui and my sister thn meet sheena after that f0r dinner...kekex.. =p went t0 eat hong k0ng cafe..yummy!!! wen hui hair dam nice style!! OMG!! but sheena g0 cut short her hair!!! OMG!!! but is cute anyway..hahax..she should cut earlier..hahax.. =p as f0r me, think bibi wont lky my new hair..that is what i felt..kekex.. =p but bibi should n0 my pattern de..everytime i cut hair he is in camp so0o have to wait for him to b0ok out than can see..sad that i nv take any pic...so0o cant upl0ad..hahax.. =p
everything is 0ver le!!! i am free fr0m n0w..a...muz be thinkin wat bahx..hahax..n0 lahx..t0day i have finish my paper!! hmm..have been thinking and stressin f0r this paper..but lucky..t0day the paper iis "quite easy" w0rx..heng man..heng i g0t study..Special thanks t0 my dear sister f0r testing me..f0r accompanying me when i am studying..hahax..and thanks to bibi f0r supp0rting me..hahax.. =p
very life in ITE is 0ver le..i will miss my friends in kb0x buddy ah v0n..can quarrel with me de michelle..can play with me the Mei yi and can let me bully the Bryan..hahax..als0 my classmates.. =p after this paper i feel less stress..hahax..can dye hair le!! intend to highlight my hair..but donn0 wat c0lour.. =p hmm..ok le..think i st0p here bahx..
n0w having break..have been studying since 1pm..hmm..so0o i need a rest 1st..later continue again..hmm..Really hate exam man..have to remember so0o many things..but this time round is only 8 chapters to study..last semester had 12 chapters to study but is over le..so0o think this time round can make it de..JIA YOU!!! kekex..
Yeah!! bibi's overseas leave approve!! hahax.. =p had been waiting so0 l0ng..even afraid that he cant g0 than by that time i need to cancel the trip..but lucky i haven go and cancel or perhaps find another person to replace him..kekex.. =p HOLIDAY is COMING!! waiting..but nw have to stress abt exam 1st..why must have EXAM..??n0 exam= no stress = PLAY TIME!! hahax..n0 lahx..also have to w0rk..kekex.. =p ok lahx gtg and study liaox..

w0ohooo..aren't they yummy..??hahax..this afternoon went back to sch and eat lunch with Michelle,Mei yi,Von and Bryan..hahax..hmm..the atmosphere is good..service is oso good..but sad to say the gal who serve us always kena say by her teacher..hahax..the soup is nice..OMG!!! nice nice..the drinks also..and is veri cheap..i only pay $ also open for public..but mus do reservation w0rx..cuz their seats are limited..hahax.. =p
Sat went to watch The Leap Years with bibi le..hmm..very beautiful story line..but abit long winded lehx..overall is good..hahax..than ytd went to watch The Eyes with my sister..a..same as the Hong Kong movie..hmm..spent $10 to scare ourself..kekex..abit lame..hahax..Jessica Alba is damn damn pretty l0rx..hahax..
have been think what will be my wedding like recently..hahax..kinda lame h0rx..??but think think only..hmm...nice sexy white grown..playing with sisters..eating and celebrating with all my relatives and friends..o0o..h0w nice..waiting f0r this day to come..but it seems to be quite l0ng quite far..cuz have not save $$$ from young so0o have to wait..hahax..but i will jia you de...!! so0o do my bibi..hahax.. =p tml he bo0k out le..hahax..need to study le..bye!