today went back to ITE with v0n and collect our cert..when i saw the cert, i was like..0o0o...!! finally i complete my educati0n le..Yeah!! hahax.. =p than went to find Mr T0ng and LKK to chit chat..kekex.. =p als0 went to canteen and eat 0ur lunch!! OMG!!! so0o l0ng nv eat le..hahax..nice nice..miss the days..anyway..after that went t0 Kb0x as usual..kekex.. =p the last time i went with v0n was 0n October 2007..holiday time..was like...7mths ag0..??kekex.. =p dam long lahx..!! hahax..
sing till 7pm..sing until siaox..than sing 0ld s0ng..like Theresa Teng the s0ng..dam old old old the s0ng..hahax..but is very fun worx..ab0ve got the photos that we to0k cuz we both to0 busy singing plus nv make up..so0o only to0k 2 pics only..hahax.. =p than those food photo is i went with my fren to TCC and eat..there is Salmon pasta, Ocean Catch and Grilled Gralic Chicken..the food is not to0 bad..especially the Ocean Catch..is dam nice siax..ppl shld try.. =p
tml have to w0rk l0!! afterno0n shift can slp m0re..kekex.. =p bibi now is at home..weird ritex..??he bo0k out and is not at my hus..hahax..cuz tml he has to go to another camp near his hus.. =p finally he wanna to ORD le..so0o happy!! have been waiting for him worx..have been together with him 35mths le..l0ng ritex..? 1 more mth 3 yrs le..time pass real fast..when i starting with him is ard 17 yrs old..n0w..i am goin to reach 20 le..fast..and when he with me he was ard 19 and now..he is goin to 22 le..hahax.. =p old liaox..!! OMG!! ok le..update real soon ya.?! bye!!