..:: Wen Hui and Nana ::..
Scary face and Ghost Face..!!
..:: Wen Hui,Nana and Me!! ::..y0z..so0 hell tired today..for nthing i went to work quite early today..hahax..stock came..272 stocks..repeat models and New models..l0ts of things to do..from near 1pm do till 8 plus..alm0st 7 hrs..wau..!! finally finish doin le..than got to think abt how to display the watches..OMG!! show case is so0o messy!! ...lolx..so0o slpy..Zzz..
after work wen hui and i went to meet Sheena..went to Bakerzin for a drinking..i mean coffee session not drinks which drink le will drunk..kekex.. =p anyway..ab0ve are some pics to share..3 of us laugh lky crazy..hahax..so0o shag lahx..!! talk and laugh..so0o funny..sheena so0o LAME!! hahax.. =p after that jiu take cabbie home swt h0me le..Yawn..so0o tired..!! but is a very chat and laugh..I L0VE THIS KIND OF FEELING...after work go relax with frenz..good sister good buddy.. >.<" nice..hahax..Zzz
juz came back from my mani and pedicure..haha.. =p meet my e ma mummy at L0t 1 than went to citibella..hahax.. =p nice..is dam comfortable lahx..sometimes muz really enj0y after ur work..hahax..NEXT TO IMPORTANT TO TALK ABTrecently i donno what happen to our group..i mean our WEHJPSM2..the thing is that i really donno what she wants..and i believe YOU no who u are l0rx..is not that we wanna to anti YOU or what is juz that we really cant stand those problems/trouble..i guess those PROBLEMS YOU gave us is un countable..for example.. :- Wanna to go this place for k session..but end up..?what happen..??u say u come that wan so0o cant go..YOU suggest de..and yet..what u give us..??!!!
- Almost everybody's bday u will say i come that wan lahx..stomach will be..0ur gang are all gal tell me WHO don c0me that wan..??!!i come that wan,i still attend th0se gathering..
- We make plannings for bday gal..ideas u donno how to give..problems u give me l0ts..tell me why..??!!
- Making use of ppl scare we will blame u..is even not right l0rx..dissapointed..
- Money..talk abt $$$ whenever collect $$$ from u,u will always tell us say to0 ex.. i really donno why..
- Gatherings..example: Chalets..can YOU ans me how many time we have organise for our chalets..??hmm..reason for chalet is to let our friendship get closer..but why u don wanna to come..?tell me say u not free..chalet to0 ex..don wanna to pay so0o much..??why..??does $$$ really concern u so0o much..??our friendship c0st how much..??to me..my friendship means al0t m0re to my BF..u no..??without BF i think is oki as time goes by..but without friends,who is going to listen to all ur probs..?YOU have l0st a grp of friends already..treasure what YOU have..
ytd cuz of what i post in bl0g i indirectly offended mali..she and i have small arguement..guess what..i feel hell sad..cuz of Y0u making use of her and let me blame her..i nv quarrel with her bef0re or maybe even anybody in 0ur gang..YOU make me..i am so0o hell sad..8 yrs le..YOU no how many 8yrs can we go..??YOU let me feel that YOU don treasure US..i cried..not cuz i angry is i am disappointed..YOU make me feel so0o sad..we donno what to do..mind if YOU tell me..??!! i don wan our Friendship to juz st0p here YOU no..??tired to say le..after all this..i guess YOU no who YOU are le..i h0pe YOU will go do some self reflecti0n..before u are going to l0st another grp 0f friends..as a Friend i am telling u all this f0r ur own good..bb