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I.MYSELF.HER.SHE www.berries19@blogspot.com ♥
Thursday, April 30, 2009

dam n0t a very go0d day f0r me..sianx..i b0ught a watch..UNWILLINGLY!!

why..??!!cuz i still left $263++ to hit 1st target..called my b0ss to ask f0r help..wanna her t0 transfer fr0m 0ther 0utlet Cash to us..so0o consider as our sales...BUT!! she is n0t willing to do that f0r us..

there is l0ts of p0ssibilities:

1. i THREW her cheque accidentally..(don ask me what happen..)
2. Cuz she don lky this outlet
3. Don lky this outlet the people
4. Bad M00d..??
5.i donno le..haiz...

dam sianx..in 0rder to hit, we called uncle..to ask whether he wanna share m0ney and buy watch t0gether..end up he gave l0ts of reas0n..if he pay money he wanna refund the m0ney nxt day..and is making things quite difficult..sadded..as a team..this is what they call TEAM!! bull shitting!!end up i don wish to say anything to uncle le..cuz n0 point le..so0o i juz tell wh say f0rget it bahx..we buy l0rx..

i agree with what bibi said juz n0w..when ask us t0 pay money even if i wasn't involve,i oso need to pay..CUZ IS IN A TEAM..than when wanna earn money that time,n0t willing to pay and get the comm..WTF..cant buy my skirt liaox..i eye f0r quite l0ng le..ard 1wks plus niax..hahax.. =p

sianx..bibi now at home..tml w0rking m0rning shift...still at the same 0utlet..partner with new ppl le..h0pefully it goes well..
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ytd went t0 nana's hus after w0rk..waited f0r her to off w0rk is lky very l0ng lahx..so00 sl0w!!well..went t0 NTUC buy milk,fruit juice and pepper chicken..after that to0k cabbie to nana hus le..

t0day w0rk afterno0n shift with Dean..cuz Uncle R0y need t0 take leave..so0o ya..at least t0day the sales n0t to bad $1600++..yeah!! still g0t an0ther $1600++ to hit challenging le..hahax..g0od!! but h0pefully can hit..hmm..

waiting f0r bibi to c0me..so0o late already..angry with him..l0lx..everytime oso lky tat..dam sianx..l0lx..but po0r him..ytd g0t to w0rk f0r the whole day..until today m0rning then can go h0me..today he off..but tml he g0t to work m0rning shift..sayang..muackz..
Friday, April 24, 2009

o0o..!! i have cut my hair le..hahax.. =p is sh0rt AGAIN!!f0rever n0 change..but i am g0ing to keep l0ng le..so0o be patient..hahax =p and bibi dye his c0lour le..this is the 1st time i see him in an0ther c0lour the hair..quite hands0me..hahax..in my eyes lahx..of cuz.. =p whatever..when bibi doing his hair, this guy who help bibi t0 dye,wash and treatment thingy wan,keep asking him t0 top up $$$ f0r this..f0r that..OMG!! already say don wan still pushing his luck..l0lx..anyway i suddenly ask him this: " why u all so0o lky t0 ask ppl to top up this and that ar..??!!" he stun..blur liaox..hahax..he say this: "N0 lahx..is cuz he g0t dye hair mahx..so0o juz asking if he wants or not..to protect0r Blah blah blah.."whatever i don care..hahax..anyway i think i am quite fierce..bibi oso say so0o..O0opppss.. s0rry ah!!..if u don ask to0 much maybe i w0nt..hehex.. =p

nxt..haiz..t0day quarrel with bibi..l0lx..he suddenly f0r nthing talk t0 me in attitude..i was lky huh..??!! reas0n..i don feel lky talking le..well Wh,Na,Uncle R0y,Mei and Mummy know why..l0lx..getting 0lder donno h0w he link..i am dam sad lahx..f0r nthin talk to me lky tat when is n0t my fault..i have f0rget him and he said s0rry t0 me..and CASE CL0SE!! easy t0 settle me..Evan Evan Evan ar..tsk tsk tsk... =p

funny..t0day went t0ilet with Na..she went t0 this cubical after 1 auntie, She nv flash the toilet after she use..than Na was lky OMG!!

Na: "why this ppl always use toilet than nv flash de..!! *angry" (still have t0 help that AUNTIE l flash)..

Van: "Ya l0rx..cuZ here is JP mahx..all the flusher are using hand sens0r..Auntie donno mahx she tot is butt0n de..haiz..donn0 why this ppl always lky tat" (Auntie was washing her hands)

Auntie: "I TOT THE FLASHER IS AUT0MATIC WAN..??"(she is asking me this "LAME" qns..)

Van: (Knock her head silently)heck care

(a malay auntie was making her hair)

Auntie: "H0RX..??N0RMALLY THIS KIND OG T0ILET IS ALL AUTOMATIC WAN H0RX..??"(she is talking to the malay auntie..but the auntie only say Orh..hahax..this is shitty..)

After everyb0dy left..na and i was lky..WTH..??!!why need t0 explain..??

Na: "Ppl wh0 always d0 wrong thing n0rmally will explain t0 c0ver their Backside only.."

i was lky..ya l0rx..l0lx..St0ry ended..hahax.. =p shitty..lame

Ytd i was planning my Guest list f0r my 21st bday..headache!!muz think of venue,number of ppl..f00d..wau..and m0st imp0rtantly is $$$$..sianx..than bibi see me lky tat..he say why n0t i don celebrate le and g0 overseas ourself..enj0y..i think think..0so go0d lahx..at least i don need t0 think so0o much (kills my brain cells) and spend so0o much..l0ve him..so0o sayang me..but the attitude thingy muz change..l0lx..

ha0 le..end of my l0ng p0st le..bb
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

bl0gging now again..

i painted nails f0r my mei mei..her classmate comment f0r her nails is go0d!! hahax..i am so0o happy.. =p

t0day i went t0 w0rk without my hp..OMG!!but bibi end up bring f0r me..so0o happy..cuz at 1st i called him to help me bring to JP..but he said that he already go 0ut le..so0 cant u turn to my hus and get f0r me..than suddenly ard 12pm i saw him appear at my w0rk place..hahax.. =p so0o swt of him..i l0ve Surprise..L0ve HIM M0ST!!muack..

tml i am going to cut my hair..bibi is going to colour and highlight his hair..after tat g0t to go sh0p f0r bday present again..seems lky al0t of ppl bday this mth..hahax.. =p

oki..nthing to bl0g le..bb..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday..ya is sunday..supp0se t0 w0rk t0day..but i am on MC again..ya..AGAIN!! l0lx..had been having slight c0ugh since i came back fr0m taiwan..l0lx..still n0t rec0vering..instead it went w0rse..l0lx..hahax.. =p i am speechless..meanin n0 v0ice..ytd i went t0 w0rk..was w0rking aftern0on shift..but cuz 0f my "sexy" v0ice, uncle suggested me t0 go and see a d0ct0r..and i have a throat infecti0n..l0lx..i didn't n0 it was "quite" seri0us..d0ct0r asked me whether i need MC or n0t..than i said "YES"..and he ask me again " y0u need 1 0r 2 days MC..??" i was lky..huh..??can ch0se wan ar..??hahax..anyway i replied him "d0 u think i 1 day will rec0ver..??" is juz a qns..than he said "nvm..i shall give u 2 days MC..and see h0w.." tata..that is h0w i g0t my MC..l0lx..

well..sick..cant help..l0lx..i cant even talk to my cust0mer lahx..hahax.. =p even be cashier i oso need t0 c0llect payment fr0m cust0mer..n0 v0ice..having me there like extra only..hahax..anyway despite of my MC t0day, i w0ke up early in the m0rning ard 0800am..went t0 Bukit Panjang with my sister and my mummy..meet my m0ther side relatives..than went to pray my grandma,great grandma..and eat my favourite Vegetarian fo0d!! is lky 1 yr once..so0o muz treasure..hmm..reach home ard 3pm..tired..smelly..bath and then rest..hahax..well n0w then i realise that i haven eat my medicine..!!OMG!! i scare of medi..the d0ct0r give me lky free lky that..Antibiotics,Inflamti0n,Cough syrup,Flu,S0re throat medi f0r me to suck..l0lx..and it c0st me $44.90..but lucky i g0t Medical claim..if n0t i really g0t to eat air..

quite a l0ng p0st..hmm..at h0me watch tvbbie..eat..painted my nails..weather is dam hell h0t..air con n0t w0rking at this critical m0ment..hahax..l0lx.. =p My dear la0po went t0 japan b0ught me a Hp keychain and a Mascara..i requested myself..hahax..br0wn..n0t to bad..but what i heard fr0m her is that it is quite expensive..THX LAoPO!!l0ve ya..

nxt mth schedule was S**Ks..i nv request AL (Anuual Leave) and she gave me 1 day..well..i might consider myself lucky already..as in my 0ther colleague s0me f0r nthin get 2 days..some 5 days..s0me even w0rse lky Uncle g0t 10 days straight and 1 day on an0ther day..l0lx..h0w can lky that..??very to0 much le..if we n0t happy..als0 cant say her..cuz we might not n0 what pattern she will do to us..haiz..b0ss ar b0ss..why lky that..??l0lx..sadded..

next..t0day is my 46th AnniVersary..hahax..with my bibi..he is at h0me now playing game..l0lx..i am very very very happy t0 be with y0u darling..thx f0r the everything..We will w0rk harder f0r 0ur future k..??jia y0u!! muackz..l0ve ya!!

oki..i shall end my p0st..tml g0t to w0rk l0!! sianx..medicine time!! bye bye!! =p
Friday, April 17, 2009

juz pass the wed g0 out with bibi..t0 sh0p f0r mali's present..hahax..walk ard..b0ught things le..than went to watch m0vie..Hands0me Suit..hahax.. =p very nice leh..hahax..funny.. =p highly recommanded..

was thinking h0w shld i celebrate my 21st bday..so0o chim..l0ts of idea..but donno what to choose..haiz..when i ask bibi, he will say: "anithing..is ur bday..as l0ng u happy oki already.." i was like..l0lx..anyway f0rget it le bahx..hahax.. =p

michelle called me t0day..ddam happy t0 hear her voice..seems lky her pattern nv change..so0o funny..hahax.. =p shall meet up some 0ther days.. =p i am speechless..i mean i g0t no voice..f0r no reas0n my voice r0ugh..sexy..hahax.. =p
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

y0z..finally bl0gging now le..sadded..t0day received News..recently my b0ss is so0o dam hell free re-shuffle all outlet de promoter..haiz..except f0r me..still stay at JP..which i hear already dam sad..l0lx..wen hui go suntec and uncle go Vivo..$$$ n0 more le..commissi0n fly l0!!!sianx..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

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what the hell..

due to technical fault..what i bl0g just now was deleted..donn0 why..sianx half..shall let the pics do the talking than...

what i can say..i a very enj0yable trip with bibi..althought quite tired..but i sh0p al0t saw FEI LUN HAI..why n0t LUO ZHI XIANG instead..hahax.. =p to0k the same plan as them..b0ught sh0w the disney jacket NT3,200 S$147..bibi bought NT1,200 S$69..bought shoes,clothes,wallet..went to 101 tower..shilin and al0t of places..hahax.. =p

met my gfss on sun to go k session..eat dinner..to0k quite a l0t of pics..but no time to upl0ad..hahax.. =p nxt time..hahax..bb