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I.MYSELF.HER.SHE www.berries19@blogspot.com ♥
Sunday, April 25, 2010

hihi...long time nv blog le..time to update..haha :p off tdy..plus is a busy day..woke up early morning to pray my grandmum..went to hospital to visit my uncle..then home swt home..tired..slept quite late actually ytd..hmm..anyways wasn't really very happy during work these days..haix..now then i realise that majory of my collegues dislike me..haix..why..???!! mayb i really need to do some self reflection le..i myself really don understand why..hmm..mayb is the way i talk bahx..after i realise that ppl dislike me,i felt so0o hell sad..felt lky crying..

my in-charge somehow i feel that she doesn't lky me..seems lky whatever i do,she got issuse with me..even with my UNIFORM..!! basket..funny..donno is to laugh her lameless or what..when she told me that she is not happy with my uni,her pattern was very stern lookin plus eyesopen very big..and said:"can you juz change your clothes..??!!!!!!see already oso so0o irritating..!!!" (in mandrain)i was lky standing there blur..F**k me..all i know is to stand there and stone..till my another collegue ask her muz she be so0o fierce to me or not..then she lky lower her volume..haix..why why why..i am really not lky THOSE ppl who loves to SABO ppl..!! i need to make myself clear that "I'M NOT THOSE KINDA PPL THAT L0VES TO SABO..!! I WOULD L0VE PEACEFUL THAN WARS..!!LKY SOMEONE..AFTER ALL THE TROUBLES STILL LOVES TO MAKE TROUBLE IN BETWEEN EACH OTHER..f**K THAT BASTARD..!!" haix..if not cuz i $$$ i then wanna juz quit and say bye bye..new AM came everything go F**k Up..wonder why b0ss wanna employed her..lolx...

oki..enough all the complaints..something happy..i'm done with my ROM gown and shoes..!! yapee..!! haha..thx e ma mummy for the pairs of shoes...!! hahax..i am getting married le..believe to be the 1st to get marry among my frenz..so0o anxious,excited and alot of mix feelings..hahax weird..!! bi bought his shoes but not yet buy his clothes..planning for my dinner 2yrs ltr from now..haha =p waiting..soon i will be offically called as "MRS LEE" le..haha..

thinking of goin to work tml makes me feel sick and tired..how i wish i'm rich enough..well..everybody will has its own problem..shall wait and see then..blog again nxt time..bb :)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

y0z..finally willing to update my bl0g le..hahax.. :p recent updates..

juz came back from Bangkok..the weather there is dam hell hot..!! is lky once i step out of the hotel that i stay,already start sweating le..i believe this is my 1st time sweating so0o much and so0o afraid of the sun..!! goodness..sun tenting is always my favourite..but at there is my fear..!! lolx..hahax..anyway i a very go0d trip..thx to vivi for teaching me how to 刹价..hahax..well those clothing are dam hell cheap lahx..!! i bought al0t..but lucky my luggage nv over weight..hahax.. =p bought to0 many clothing oso not use.. 1 wk only rest 1 day..that 1 day oso quite lazy to go out...or rather no ppl ask me out..hahax..well shopping feeling is always go0d..!! feel lky tai tai..hahax.. =p

went to watch elephant show,snake show,tiger show and culture show..althought the weather is so0o hot,but m0st impt is that bibi and i had really enjoy ourselves..hahax.. =p pics had uploaded on facebo0k..

now quite busy planning my ROM thingy...everythin settle except or the location..sigh..hopefully can settle everything fast..well i do things always lky to settle things asap..i don lky t0 drag..fast settle fast finish..

had been busy working Full shift recently..sianx..WHEN CAN MY ENDLESS FULL END..??!! can some 1 tell me when..??lolx..nxt mth no reshufflement..g0t to cover shift for 1 of my collegue cuz he is taking leave for 8 days..sianx..

ltr got to go hospital to visit my ah ma..hmm..waiting for nxt wk..goin to kbox with ah v0n..!! waited for so0o long..!! my CRAVINGS...HAHAHA..!! finally can fulfil..yeah yeah..!!hmm..shall blog some other days..bb
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Well..long long long time nv blog le.. Recent updates..

• bibi bought me an iPhone as Christmas present..hahax..dam happy..!!well..still tryin to figure out how to use it..as I am noob!!thx darling!!
• another happy thing is that I have bought my wedding band!!finally!! Nxt yr ppl!! Haha

I am soo dam tired..!!now on my way home..by the way avarta is good movie!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

finally g0t the time to blog..hmm..recent updates..:

- G0t my hair cut already..and i "REALLY REALLY REALLY" going to keep it l0ng..hahax..bibi pls forgive me..cuz i juz cant really stand long hair..is to Freaking h0t!!!hahax.. =p lolx..hmm..went to amk hub where my hair stylish is working..g0t my hair cut,dye and highlight..i quite like my hair..my family and bibi oso quite like..something different..lazy to take pics..shall p0st up some other time..hahax.. =p

- Busy putting christmas deco for my shop..sianx..Christmas is coming already..so0n it will be New Year..lolx..!! 0ld le..bought bibi a G-shock yellow watch for present..dam early..hahax..

- Keep on eating Mac..Why..??!!cuz of the monopoly...hahax..shhit!!! i am getting fatter..lolx..HELP!!!

- This mth donno why so0o many ppl bday..pay money till my pocket broke BIG BIG BIG holes..

Now up coming event is Wen hui's bday celebrati0n..hahax..at csc..dam near my hus..and THATS GO0D!!thx ar!! hahax..

waiting for bibi and my bonus..then we can go get 0ur wedding band le.hahax.. =p so0o excited..but i will at least except a 1 carat ring..hahax..!!(i am juz kidding..) p0or bibi don so0o stress worx..hahax..tsk tsk tsk..well lky you always say y0u can simply get it from the supermarket..hahax.. =p lolx..!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009

well..time to update my bl0g again..to0k mc for today and tml..having season flu..not much of he big deal..but still nedd some rest..hahax.. =p

sad thing..!! i had l0st my HP!! i l0st it at home..funny ritex..??hp at h0me also will l0st..i wish was only lost at home..but i guess i can nv find back my hp..haiz..hmm..waiting to buy new hp..yeah!! M1 is having Iphone the earliest by nxt yr guess..then i can juz change my hp then..hahax.. =p

nthing to bl0g le..bb
Saturday, September 26, 2009

sianx..juz now talk to bibi le..perhaps 0ur RoM have t0 postpone le..reason being..i don wish to talk abt it..pending..cfm everythin le then say bahx..

why am i so0o p0or..??everyday let my mummy eat maggie f0r dinner..why my father and br0ther cant be more mature and think..??i am very tired..really tired..i save so0 hard and still don see the money in my bank..why i cant lky 0ther children..??every mth juz give household money then the rest don need to think le..??!! why i cant do that..??!! i lky 1 person supporting 4 person..now almost everyday my bro come down and find me f0r dinner..and ya..i pay for his dinner..i can only complaint here..i am afraid that i complaint to bibi he will get very fed up and FAN..as everyday i have the same pr0b..i think 1 day i will get depression..lolx..and i am very clever to spend m0ney anyway..hahax.. =p oki..i shld stop complaining now..

finally can hit 2nd target le..tml i have t0 work full shift as april to0k mc..sianx..but more money..hahax.. =p slping so0n le..nitex!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

kk..time to bl0g le..some one is nagging at me already..!! haha..(YOU SHLD NO URSELF) hahax..well..recently was quite tired..busy w0rking working and working...

few days ago..bibi and i got s0me arguement..well the prob had resolve already..waiting for him to come home n0w.. =p hahax..t0day we discuss abt 0ur R0M nxt yr..but he seems lky g0t no comment on anything..hmm..but when he see my face change,he started talking..hahax,.and he will go on to web site to check it out on the q dates and stuff..well..we have to prepare le..pending...

sales wasn't as go0d recently..i guess i ahve to eat air again..now my dear mummy nv work le..daddy some times no work..haix..bro earn money oso not enough for himself to use..haix..!! what can i do???!!! well..guess i have to spend less on myself le..sadded!! :'( happy thing is tat my sister's effort is not wasted..cuz she had pass her Driving!! hahax..!! good..and money is not wasted as well..kekex..

was planning to have an overseas trip with my gfs..nxt yr..perhaps ard may..but!! is still long..still can slowly plan..hopefully i can get go0d replies from them.. =p so0o slpy!!

tml i am working full shift..well is my last full shift of this mth..me goin to slp now le..good the bye!!